Configuration Manager


The Configuration Manager has a graphical user interface and sits on top of your existing CMVC tools. It helps manage tasks like check-in, check-out, freeze or create branch, rename, etc. It provides a consistent, graphical interface to third party CMVC tools. Any file-and-command based version and configuration tool can be integrated. For tools like RCS or SCCS, it adds value, such as support for change sets. SNiFF+ also enables integration with tools like Atria's ClearCase.

SNiFF+ supports version and configuration management for:


The Configuration Manager in SNiFF+ helps developers answer questions like, "Which files and which versions are part of Release 2.0?" It works in sync with the Project Editor to help organize large projects and manage team development. It also represents a basic tenet of TakeFive Software's open tools philosophy - to provide developers with flexible, open tools that can be adapted to meet their individual needs

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